Communication and Distributed Systems

Seminar: Communication and Distributed Systems


  • Supervision: Prof. Dr. Torsten Braun
  • Coordination: Dr. Antonio Di Maio
  • Time: Every Monday, from 13:15 to 15:00
  • Location: Room 111, Engehalde E8
  • ILIAS page


Basic knowledge in computer networks as e.g., obtained in the bachelor lecture Computer Networks.

Target Group

BA/MSc students doing a thesis in the CDS group, Ph.D. students, and postdocs of the CDS group.


The seminar is composed of presentations about current research topics that are investigated in the context of Ph.D./Postdoc research activities.


Each presenter must prepare three questions about the content of the presentation. The other students will have to attend the talk and upload the answers to the talk's questions on ILIAS before the following Thursday at 23:59 to have their attendance accounted for.


  • For BA/MSc students who need ECTS points, they may take the seminar as „Proseminar“ or a Master seminar respectively. In this case, the students must give at least one talk and a topic must be agreed upon with the seminar supervisor beforehand. Seminar topics are distributed in the first week of the semester.
  • The participation of 80% of the seminar talks is also needed to qualify for ECTS points. Excuses for important reasons (according to article 23 RSL) are accepted, proof is required in such cases. It is mandatory to attend the first class of the semester.
  • Presentation titles should be announced no later than 1 week before the presentation. The presenters must forward their slides to the coordinator for publication on ILIAS before their presentation. Please use the Uni Bern template to prepare your presentation.
  • Seminar talks last 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.

Schedule of the Spring Semester 2024

 Date Name  Title 
19.2.2024 Leandro Villas

Rodolfo Meneguette

Alisson Medeiros

Seamless Immersion: The Crucial Role of E2E Latency in 6DoF VR Content Delivery
26.2.2024 Gao Chuyang

Xing Hexu

Dual-Engine Intelligent Caching: A Joint Optimization Framework for 360 Degree Video Edge Caching

Hybrid Network for Ultra-low Latency XR Environment
Dimitris Xenakis

Yamshid Farhat

A SOLID localization, assessed with the  TWR-CLOUD-Bern framework

Reshaping Future Energy Systems through Distributed Computing and Advanced Machine Learning

(no seminar)
(no seminar)
18.3.2024 Shantanu Pal (Deakin University, in person)

Tofunmi Ajayi

Drift-Aware Policy Selection for Slice Admission Control

25.3.2024 Eric Samikwa

Xu Zimu

Dynamic Federated Split Learning in Heterogeneous IoT

Representation-based Personalized Federated  Learning with Privacy Preservation and Asynchronous Transfers
1.4.2024 (no seminar: Easter Holiday) (no seminar)
8.4.2024 (no seminar) (no seminar)

Lucas Pacheco (remote)

Ioanna Kapetanidou (remote)

Federated Learning for Vehicular Radio

Reputation-based Solutions for Trustworthy Next-Generation Networks: Feed4Cloud case
(date change)
at 16.15 (4.15 pm)
in N10 Room 302
Sun Mingjing
Patric Hammler
(in person)

Decentralized Multi-Task Learning over Time-Varying Topology

Autoregressive Models
Sajedeh Norouzi

Chen Jinxuan

Silas Leuenberger

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Channel Estimation in MIMO Systems

DRFSL-MMBF: An adaptive framework for federated split learning for multi-modal beamforming in mmWave IoV

Proactive Data-Driven Node (Re)deployment for Jammed MANETs
6.5.2024 Antonio Di Maio

Solomon Fikadie Wassie

Arsenije Jevric

Throughput- and Cost-aware Node Relocation for MANET Resiliency Under Jamming Attacks

Service-oriented 6G Network Architecture for Distributed Intelligent and Cloud-native Communication

Deep Reinforcement Learning for P2P Network Optimization
13.5.2024 (no seminar)
(no seminar
20.5.2024 (no seminar: Whit Monday) (no seminar)
27.5.2024 Elham Hasheminejad
Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Controller Placement in O-RAN Architectures